Technological Logistics Services


• Multiple warehouses distributed throughout the country, highly automated and structured to handle heavy goods, such as safes, ATMs and armored boxes
• Fleet of own vehicles for the transport and positioning of different types of technological devices.
• Project management services to support large roll-out projects
• Installation services of technological devices
• Disposal and scrapping services for obsolete or damaged devices, made possible by our enrolment in the Register of Environmental Managers
• Withdrawal of pre-existing reusable devices with transport to warehouse and consignment storage

Turnkey Installations

In addition to the traditional logistics services, we are able to provide a complete turnkey installation service thanks to our installation teams who have specialized and diversified skills and are supported by a group of experienced project managers and consultants in the various sectors.
The services offered include:

• Warehouses distributed throughout the country and equipped with technological staging areas and qualified personnel for activities such as testing, SW installations, technological upgrades, peripherals installation, etc.
• A fleet of own vehicles properly equipped for the transport and positioning of different types of technological devices, including heavy and bulky devices.
• Project management services to handle large roll-out projects and with heterogeneous skills, such as the implementation of DWG projects for the creation of ad hoc set-ups.
• Site inspection services carried out by team of architects, supported by customized reporting in line the different customer’s needs.
• Management of administrative and authorization procedures on behalf of the customer, for all the works to be carried out.
• Implementation of all works required to adapt or set up the site, including:
o Supply of ad hoc solutions such as special windows, access ramps, masonry, plasterboard or armored walls, removal of architectural barriers.
o Implementation of electrical wiring, LAN, alarms, video surveillance.
o Supply of different accessories such as wall frames for Through-the-wall ATM, fixed or adjustable plinths, weight distribution plates.
• Installation of technological devices such as ATM, Self Service, Safe, Self checkout, Vending machine.
• Disposal and scrapping services for obsolete or damaged devices and waste material, made possible by our enrolment in the Register of Environmental Managers.
• Collection of reusable devices with transport to the warehouse and storage on consignment
• Reconditioning and refurbishment services of used devices for subsequent reinstallation.

Plant Engineering Services

Thanks to the specialized design team and our network of specialized personnel distributed throughout the territory, we are able to carry out all phases of electrical systems, data and alarm systems, from design to construction and commissioning.
The services include:

• Design of electrical systems, LAN, alarms, and video surveillance
• Executive tables production
• Supply, installation and assembly of equipment
• Configuration and testing of the equipment and start-up
• Issuance of declarations of conformity

Technological Renewal and Set-up Services

Thanks to our long experience in the market, we can support our customers in their technological workplace renewal projects, being it related to the introduction of new technologies or the pure renewal of infrastructures.
The services include:

• Design and implementation of new layouts, for self-service areas or other specific areas of banks, offices or points of sale, including the supply of the related fittings.
• Design, consultancy and construction of welcome and consultancy areas, queue management and multimedia showcases.
• Technological upgrade solutions for smart building sites:
◦ digital and remote access control.
◦ IoT sensors.
◦ Air quality control and management.

Technical Assistance Service & Maintenance


More One offers a wide range of technical assistance, support and maintenance services that can be customized according to the specific needs of our customers. The quality of the services is guaranteed by the experience gained in over 20 years of activity carried out by our team of highly specialized internal resources and by a network of partners consolidated over time and able to cover the entire national territory and the different markets in which we operate.
The service includes:

• A Help desk structure capable of providing 1st and 2nd level telephone assistance services.
• Monitoring services
• Ordinary and Preventive On-site Maintenance Services
• Spare parts and accessories management including the related logistics services
• On-center repair services of specialized terminals.